Survivor Series dream teams
11/14/2011 14:36
If you could have any four Superstars from WWE history in your corner for a 5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Match, who would you choose? asked that question to Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, A.J., Kofi Kingston and Wade Barrett. Unsurprisingly, all of their squads turned out better than Doink’s Clowns R’ Us.
WWE.COM: Who would be on your Survivor Series Dream Team?
DANIEL BRYAN: First off, I’d pick Shawn Michaels, because he trained me and he’s the best WWE Superstar of all time.
WWE.COM: Would you have picked Shawn even if he didn’t train you?
BRYAN: It’s hard to say. That’s such a big “what if,” because he’s been such a big influence on my career because he trained me. That’s why I’d have him on the team. If Barry Horowitz had trained me I’d probably put Barry Horowitz on there too. Maybe Shawn would be out and Barry Horowitz would be in.
WWE.COM: Your career might look a lot different if that was the case. Who else?
BRYAN: Second, I’d pick Jake “The Snake” Roberts just because I’d love to come to the ring with him and his snake.
WWE.COM: That’s an interesting choice.
BRYAN: Man, [Jake’s] a genius. He’s somebody who is just so incredibly smart and knows this business inside and out. It was fascinating talking to him.
WWE.COM: Who’s the third Superstar on your squad?
BRYAN: The third would be William Regal, because he was such a huge influence on my career. The fourth would be The Ultimate Warrior purely to drive William Regal mental.
WWE.COM: You’d throw your team into turmoil just to annoy William Regal?
BRYAN: I can only imagine the frustration of him dealing with The Warrior running down and shaking the ring. I think it’d be a lot of fun.
WWE.COM: What Superstars could hang with The Celtic Warrior?
SHEAMUS: Bret “Hit Man” Hart, Andre the Giant — for obvious reasons, “Macho Man” Randy Savage.
WWE.COM: Three legends right there. Any method to how you chose them?
SHEAMUS: I need to have a technician in the group. Bret’s always been great. Macho Man’s the high-flyer. Andre, well, let’s be honest, he’s The Giant. Probably the most famous giant ever. Not too many people came out of fights with him unscathed. I think the only way to get him out of the match is if he eliminated himself or got counted out.
WWE.COM: Who else?
SHEAMUS: One more, right?
WWE.COM: Yeah.
SHEAMUS: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.
WWE.COM: Obvious question, but why him?
SHEAMUS: Because he’s an a**kicker like meself. If it gets down to 5-on-2 you need someone who is very good at fighting uphill battles and there’s no better man.
WWE.COM: So you can team up with any competitors in WWE history at Survivor Series. Who Would You Choose?
A.J.: Gosh. First, I’d start with the Divas who are my favorite of all time — Lita, Molly Holly, Trish.
WWE.COM: Why are those three your favorites?
A.J.: When I was like 11 or 12 and wanted to get into wresting they were the reasons why, so it’d be awesome to be in the ring with them.
WWE.COM: Okay, who else?
A.J.: How big is this team?
WWE.COM: Five people.
A.J.: Now we have one more, right? I got to throw a guy in there. Eddie Guerrero is my favorite ever.
WWE.COM: What did you love about Eddie?
A.J.: His attitude. He kind of reminds me of my dad. Everyone in my family is a little spicy and playful. He just had the most personality in the ring I’ve ever seen. I love him.
WWE.COM: What would Kofi Kingston’s dream team look like?
KOFI KINGSTON: I’m going to definitely put Bobo Brazil on the team, because he was so groundbreaking. He broke a lot of barriers and he was very entertaining.
WWE.COM: Plus, his finishing maneuver was called the Coco Butt. Who else is on the team?
KINGSTON: I got to put Shawn Michaels on there, because he’s The Heart Break Kid, greatest of all time.
WWE.COM: Daniel Bryan also picked Shawn
KINGSTON: That’d be fine. I would love to go up against Daniel Bryan. He definitely is a technical mastermind and I could probably learn a few things.
WWE.COM: Strong team so far. Who else makes the cut?
KINGSTON: I would put Hakushi on my team, because I used to always love watching him and I think he was a big reason of me wanting to get tattoos. Obviously he took it to another level. How many is that?
WWE.COM: Three.
KINGSTON: So I need one more . . . Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. Again, another one of the guys who I looked up to and I kind of try to emulate a little bit.
WWE.COM: Old school NWA Ricky Steamboat or the crazy dragon costume?
KINGSTON: He’d definitely have to come out breathing the fire.
WWE.COM: You’re captaining an impressive team at Survivor
WADE BARRETT: First pick would be The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. Being a fellow Englishman, he was always my hero when I was growing up. He’s one of the main reasons I became a
WWE.COM: Off to a good start.
BARRETT: Second pick would be Mr. Perfect. As a kid, he was one of my favorites despite the fact that he was always the bad guy. I was always impressed with his skills, his abilities in the ring, his movement, his athleticism, the way he looked — I always thought he looked very cool.
WWE.COM: Best hair in WWE history. Who else would you select?
BARRETT: I would pick Chris Jericho. He was obviously my mentor on NXT in season one. We had a good, successful partnership. I’d like to work with him again.
WWE.COM: Great team. Who’s the anchor?
BARRETT: Finally, I think I’d go for another fellow countryman — William Regal. He’s helped me out a lot with my career, gave me a lot of advice. I’m kind of following in his footsteps, so it’d be good to team up with him.