Sin Cara Update: More Bad News That He May Be Gone From The WWE

07/25/2011 14:54

WWE Superstar Sin Cara has officially been removed from the WWE SummerSlam poster. The pay-per-view takes place in three weeks when he will still be suspended. However, according to new backstage news released by the masked Superstar, the WWE Creative team were told just one or two days before he was officially suspended to take him out of the scripts. In addition, going along with our previous report that WWE may not bring him back after his suspension, they were told to not “put any thought into any scenarios for him going forward”.

Many within the company are saying that WWE has “cut bait on him”, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Sin Cara wasn’t directly told that he was being released from the company, but the tone surrounding him backstage seems to go along with that sentiment.

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