Report: TNA Talent Upset With Bobby Roode's BFG PPV Loss
10/18/2011 15:02 is reporting that fans expecting Bobby Roode to win the TNA Title at Bound For Glory were not the only ones disappointed by Roode coming up short at the big event on Sunday night.
It's being said that many talents backstage were also upset with the decision to have Angle go over in the bout, especially considering that Hulk Hogan had such a big hand in swaying the creative team at the last moment. The original plan, as late as Sunday afternoon, was to have Roode win the title, however, Hogan felt Roode was not ready for a title run yet, and persuaded Dixie Carter to put Angle over instead.
There's said to be a great deal of resentment coming from many of the TNA originals in the locker room, as they feel no matter how hard they try, they'll never be able to elevate themselves beyond a certain height due to former WWE and WCW names being pushed in their place.