More on WWE WrestleMania ticket kickoff party in November

08/29/2011 15:20


South Florida's own Alberto Del Rio, the WWE champion, hopes to be champion for WrestleMania 28 in Miami, but you already know that.

  • South Florida's own Alberto Del Rio, the WWE champion, hopes to be champion for WrestleMania 28 in Miami, but you already know that (Photo By Jim Varsallone)

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WWE will be hosting its WrestleMania 28 ticket kickoff party in early November in Miami, home to the 2012 version of the mega event.

For the first time in its history, WWE brings WrestleMania to Miami. It is the second time in Florida (WM 24 Orlando 2008) and third time outdoors (WM 9 Las Vegas 1993, WM 24 Orlando 2008).

WrestleMania 28 is April 1, 2012 at Sun Life Stadium, home of the Miami Dolphins in Miami Gardens.

WrestleMania Week in Miami in 2012 will include a golf tournament, a fashion show, an art charity auction, a fanfest, a Make-a-Wish event, a WWE/THQ video game challenge, the WWE Hall of Fame, WWE Monday Night Raw and more.

For event details and the latest information, keep posted here and at facebook!/pages/WWE-WrestleMania-28-Miami/241160769255279.

At Facebook, we are going to assist out-of-towners with information about the area - airports, hotels, eateries, driving directions, events and more. Share this article and Facebook page with anyone interested.

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