Impact Wrestling Results (8/4/11)

08/05/2011 09:44

Impact Wrestling Opener:

Immortal is in the ring and Bully Ray tells everyone to sit down and shut up, because they are Immortal. He puts everyone in the group over, but the crowd boos them all, then says Ken Anderson is an asshole. He says Fortune and Immortal have gone back and forth for months, and Anderson asks if he said this town isn't big enough for the both of them. He tells Ray that the ring isn't big enough for the both of them because he volunteered him for a match against Kurt Angle, and he screwed him out of the win. He prays it was worth it, because Anderson is going to get him back, and Ray asks who he is again? He says he is the guy who lost the title after being with them for a week, and that is the keyword: weak. Ray says he is in charge and he will become the next champion and calls Anderson a piece of dog crap.

Anderson says he has an idea, and neither one of them have a match at Hardcore Justice, so he says they settle it there. He waits for Ray's answer, and started singing until Ray spits in his face and they start to go at it until Fortune comes out. Kaz says it sounded like Immortal was going to call them out to the ring, and they should consider this their RSVP. They rush the ring and everyone starts fighting until Fortune clears the ring and they check on James Storm, who may have hurt his back.

Madison Rayne vs Miss Tessmacher

Tessmacher backs Rayne into the corner but Rayne charges out and throws her by the hair then chokes her with legs and slams her head into the mat. Rayne mocks Mickie at commentary and gets rolled up by Tessmacher for the surprise win.

Rayne beats her up after the bell and Mickie says she can't stand to let this happen, and heads to the ring. Angelina Love cuts her off and starts to fight but Mickie knocks her down until Winter comes out and hits Mickie with the title. They pose over her on the ramp and drape the belt over her back before leaving.

Winner - Miss Tessmacher


Bound for Glory Series Match
Devon vs AJ Styles

AJ locks up with Devon and puts him in a headlock, then leapfrogs him and hits a dropkick as Pope comes out and sits with Devon's family. Devon hits a spinning elbow in the ring and turns to Pope, then gets put in an armbreaker and leaves the ring to recover. AJ tries a sunset flip then pulls him up to try a Styles Clash, but Devon reverses it and tries a inverted DDT, only to have AJ come back with a Pele kick. Christopher Daniels comes out and AJ sees him and hesitates, then jumps off the top turnbuckle and tweaks his knee. Devon avoids the jump and rolls up AJ for the win.

Winner - Devon

Pope is in the back and he says he is trying to make his friendship with Devon work, but he sees that Devon has trust issues. He also just learned that he has a match against him in three days at Hardcore Justice, but it's a Bound For Glory match and he thinks they can work through that. He wants seven points for a win, but he'll try to make some one tap out for ten, and he is going to the ring to make it happen.

Bound for Glory Series Match
Pope D'Angelo Dinero vs Samoa Joe

Joe tries kicking Pope, then they attempt to lock up but Pope slaps him and dances out of the way. Joe gets taken down with a dropkick and put in an armbar, but Joe gets up and throws Pope in the corner. Pope runs around the ring and meets Joe with an atomic drop and a spinebuster, then hits an axe handle smash and waits for Joe to get up. Pope tries whipping Joe, but Joe gets pissed and holds on through a rollup. He locks Pope in the rear naked choke and gets him to tap out, but he won't let go so the referee reverses the decision.

Winner (by reverse decision) - Pope

Joe loses it after the reversal and chases the ref up the ramp and screams until he gets backstage. He is still screaming at the camera and says he is sick of being put in situations where he gets screwed, and he won't be responsible for what happens next.


Street Fight
Hernandez (w/ Mexican America) vs Bobby Roode (w/ James Storm)

Roode goes right after Hernandez and pounds on him in the corner, then hits a clothesline and follows it with another one that knocks him out of the ring. Roode leaps over the ropes onto Hernandez, then grabs a chair and slams it into his ribs and hits him over the back with it. Roode grabs whatever he can and throws a bunch of weapons in the ring, then hits Hernandez with a trash can lid, but Hernandez grabs the lid and hits Roode back. He gets Roode back in the ring and drops him with a shoulder block over the ropes then takes off his belt and whips Roode with it. He starts to choke Roode with the belt and Roode tries fighting back, but Hernandez meets him with a clothesline, then cracks him in the head with the lid again.

Hernandez takes him outside and rams him back first into the apron and slams him on the steel steps before taking it back in the ring. Roode is able to grab the lid and smash Hernandez with it, then Hernandez blocks a final shot and goes up top but Roode picks up a new trash can and hits him in the head with it. They both end up on top and come down with Roode superplexing Hernandez, then Roode gets fired up and starts teeing off on Hernandez with a kendo stick. Roode keeps it going and whips Hernandez across the ring, but he gets caught with a shoulder block and Hernandez sets up the Border Toss. Roode slides out and hits a spinebuster, then puts Hernandez in a Fujiwara armbar, but the ref is distracted by Anarchia. Sarita hits Roode with a kendo stick and he turns and chases her from the ring, but gets rolled up by Hernandez, who uses the ropes for leverage to make the cover.

Winner - Hernandez

Bully Ray and Anderson are having words in the back and Ray says he doesn't care who likes him, but he has respect for those who came before him. He says he asks him to accept his apology and shake his hand, but Anderson isn't buying it right away. Ray keeps his hand out and says he doesn't apologize to anyone and is truly sorry. Anderson says fine and goes to shake his hand, but Ray low blows him, then picks him back up and asks who is the asshole now.


Austin Aries vs Alex Shelley

Aries attacks Shelley before the bell and chokes him on the ropes, then leaps the ropes to hit a dive but Shelley gets his knees up. Shelley gets a few near falls, then Aries begs him off in the corner, but Shelley slams him down and goes for an inside cradle. He chops Aries in the corner then ships him across the ring, and drop toe holds him into the middle turnbuckle. Aries gets a foot up but Shelley catches him and puts a leg whip and tries to get Aries to tap to a spinning figure four.

Aries grabs the ropes and Shelley tells him to get up, then avoids Aries in the corner, but Aries telegraphs it and holds on to drop Shelley with a neckbreaker on the apron. Aries follows up with a dive off the top rope but only gets two, and he tries setting up a superplex but Shelley shoves him off and hits a single leg kick to send Aries outside. Shelley tells the ref to move and hits a suicide dive, then rolls Aries back in and goes for a double stomp but misses. Shelley rolls him up for two, then Aries shoves him outside and tries using Shelley's leather jacket spikes as a weapon.

The referee sees him taunting the crowd with it and takes the jacket away then Shelley sets up for Sliced Bread. Aries reverses it by crotching Shelley on the middle rope, then kicks him low again and drops him with the Brain Buster to pick up the win. Aries continues to attack him and says he won fair, but Brian Kendrick comes out and makes the save for Shelley.

Winner - Austin Aries

They play a short clip of Eric Young in Hollywood trying to get an agent and make it on television. He meets a casting director while wearing his titles and ring gear and he has an audition until the woman tells him he is wasting her time and he needs to leave. (Missable.)

Bound for Glory Series Match
Gunner & Scott Steiner vs Crimson & Rob Van Dam

Steiner shoves Rob in the corner then clotheslines him and taunts him, and follows it with chops to the chest in the corner. Steiner tells the fans to shut up then whips Rob across the ring, and Rob floats over and taunts him and gets dropped with a full nelson slam. Steiner tags Gunner in but Rob sweeps his legs and hits a standing moonsault for two, then tags in Crimson.

Crimson bodyslams Gunner then hits a T-Bone suplex for two, but gets hit by a cheap shot by Steiner then gets hit in the head and double teamed by Steiner and Gunner. They keep Crimson isolated for a while and Steiner drops an elbow then does push ups, then Gunner hits a side suplex for two. He remains in control until Crimson catches him off the ropes and slams him backwards, and crawls to make a tag.

Rob and Steiner get the tag and Rob hits a heel kick off the middle rope and catches him with Rolling Thunder, but Gunner breaks up the pin attempt and all four guys are fighting around ringside. Rob has Steiner set up on the railing but Gunner shoves him off and turns around into a spear by Crimson. Rob hits a Five Star Frog Splash, but Steiner drops him with a Steiner Line and takes him up to the top turnbuckle. Crimson makes the save and electric chair drops Steiner, which allows Rob to hit another Five Star for the win.

Winners - Rob Van Dam & Crimson

Christy Hemme interviews Rob and Crimson at ringside and asks for their thoughts about the tournament. Rob says it feels great, and he will beat everyone in the tournament to win the whole thing. Crimson says he is glad that Rob got the points, but it will be a different story when they face each other on Sunday.


Hardcore Justice Contract Signing

Jeremy Borash is in the ring and puts over the Hardcore Justice main event, then announces they will have the contract signing between Kurt Angle and Sting now. He introduces them both then asks Kurt to sign first since he agreed to the conditions, then asks Sting to follow. They both sign with no issues, then JB says it is official and allows them time for some final comments before Sunday.

Kurt says Sting is one of the few men he respects in the business, and he earned the nickname "Icon" because if Angle ends up half the man Sting is, he knows he did a good job. He said that won't matter Sunday because he is coming after Sting, and they can shake hands afterwards, but he is walking out of that arena with the championship.

Sting says he doesn't really feel like laughing much right now, but he thanks Kurt because it feels like he accomplished something. He says if he reached Kurt that is good, but he is just as big of a fan of Kurt, because he always tells people the greatest all-around wrestler he faced is Kurt. He puts over all of Kurt's skills, and says he went even further and got a gold medal so his hat is off to him, but the TNA Championship is Sting's life. He says the belt is what keeps him going and he vowed to bring the company back to Dixie Carter. He says he will keep his promise and take the company away from Hulk and Eric, and that is real.


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